OwnerDave Anderson
(former owner, EV has been sold)
LocationCorvallis, Oregon United States map
Web/EmailWebPage email image
Vehicle1981 Ford Escort
NOTE: I have sold this Jet, and I am in the process of building a new EV from the ground-up!
MotorPrestolite Series Wound DC
DrivetrainStandard Ford Transaxle
ControllerCurtis 1221C
Batteries20 Dyno D-125, 6.00 Volt, Lead-Acid, Flooded
(T-125 equivalent)
System Voltage120 Volts
ChargerRussco SC 18-120 SO
HeaterGas (VW bus type)
DC/DC Converter
from salvaged computer switching power supply
Instrumentation0-150 voltmeter, 0-500 ammeter
Top Speed70 MPH (112 KPH)
scary, maybe more
Accelerationabout the same as my college-days '62 VW bus
Range45 Miles (72 Kilometers)
max, typical use is 20-30 miles
Watt Hours/Mile1000 Wh/Mile
Seating Capacity4 adults
Curb Weight3,900 Pounds (1,772 Kilograms)
TiresP-165/80 R13
Conversion TimeRestoration and improvements: 4 weeks spare time
Conversion Costabout $2600
Originally a 96 Volt (16-6 Volt) system, I converted this Jet Electrica to 120 Volts (20-6 Volt). The four additional batteries are in a box I made under the rear seat. Most traction power and control components were relocated and rewired during restoration. My Jet has become my primary commuting and errand car, and I rarely use my ICE vehicle except for long trips and heavy hauling.

code by jerry